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10 Signs You Need to Redesign Your Website

April 05, 2017

Like your company’s lobby, customers and prospects see your website as an expression of your values and a reassurance of your professionalism. Of course, far more people will see your website than your lobby.

 Is your website up to the task?


1.    Website makes you cringe

Gut check: your website should be something that you are proud to show off. Send a new prospect there and feel confident they’ll learn something that’ll help you win their business. It is a source of pride within your company – a rallying cry for your brand values. It shows off your good taste and looks sharp.

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Does this describe your website? Is this how you feel about it?


2.    Doesn’t capture attention in 3 seconds

Studies show you have about 3 seconds to hook your prospective customer or client. They arrive from Google, they look at your site for 3 seconds, and they decide to either (a) return to Google and try someone else or (b) keep exloring your company. Is your website enticing enough fast enough to draw new customers in?

Your prospect is asking themselves, "are these the people I want to work with?"
A great homepage packs a punch. Clear design. Clear value proposition. Your brand in 7 words. So simple that the visitor doesn’t even really have to read. You’re doing all the work for them. Pow. This is us. This is why you care.


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3.    Doesn’t show up on page one of Google

What are your customers looking for? Go over to Google and type it in. Are you listed on page one? Over 90% of customers who search Google will wind up clicking on a business that shows up on page one. That doesn’t leave much for the businesses on page 2.

The art of ranking in Google for the searches that matter to your business is the essence of smart SEO.  It begins with researching your customers and their search terms. Then building a website that uses those terms in a way that’s helpful, informative and well-structured. And finally, you need to make sure other websites are linking to your great content because Google counts those links as votes, and sites with great content and lots of votes ultimately rank best in the search results. 

 There’s more to it than that, but that’s the heart of SEO. No point having a great website if nobody ever sees it.

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4.    Not mobile responsive

You’ve heard it all before. With approximately 50% of searches taking place from a mobile device, it’s safe to say that our websites need to work just as well on phones as they do on the desktop.

According to this CMS Report study, 57% of customers say they won’t recommend a company with a poorly designed mobile site.

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5.    Content is difficult to update

A professional content management system (like ours!) makes it easy to update your site. Add new products, services, or offerings. Update staff and pricing. Share exciting news and upcoming events.

Your competitors are promoting their latest and greatest. Does your website make it easy for you to do the same?

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6.    Uses Flash

Flash is actually dead now. It happened. No one using an iPhone or iPad, Kindle, newer Android phone, or new mac can see that flash animation on your homepage. It needs to go.

Animation isn’t dead – but if you still have Flash on your homepage, it’s time to replace it with a modern, mobile-friendly alternative.

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7.    It doesn't bring you new business

A website’s entire purpose in life is to bring in leads for your business. Some websites sell directly. Some inspire customers to fill out a form or pick up the phone.

If your website wasn’t designed for lead generation, or if it's not optimized to generate conversions, it's not really paying its rent.

Every site is different, of course. Some are more salesy than others. In some industries, it’s okay to include a big, flashing “CALL NOW!” button. In others, you simply make sure to end each page with a courteous opportunity for visitors who are interested in hearing more to give you their contact information – perhaps in the form of an email signup.

Studies show that simply asking makes a difference. Failing to ask is a missed opportunity. Does your site do this?

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8.    Outdated style

Your prospective customers spend a lot of time online. They’re used to seeing beautifully-designed things.

Styles change fast on the internet, and just because a website looked amazing and cost a lot five years ago, that doesn’t mean it looks good today. It depends.

A clean, modernized website helps to ensure trust and credibility for your viewers. It shows you invest in your business. You aren't stagnating. You care about the experience they have, every step of the way.

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9.    No social integration

Social media is a huge opportunity. If you’re not making use of it, you are missing out on a way to allow your users to connect with you and provide them with even more great content than your what is on your website. Integrating social buttons into your web design –especially above the fold — can bring new life to this solid communication channel.

 While it may seem counterintuitive to direct people away from your website, a healthy social presence with lots of happy followers provides social proof of your credibility.

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10. Outdated blog

Your customers love you because you help them solve a particular problem, and you do it well. Simply put, they view you as a trusted authority.

When you add a blog to your website, and keep it fresh, your customers and prospects can see that you’re engaged in your industry, that you stay at the forefront in an ever-changing world, that you care enough to share your expertise.

When it comes to marketing, content is king. SEO trends highly emphasize having a website with current and regularly updated content. Providing your users with relevant information can not only improve your SEO rankings, but it also establishes your authority and dominance in your respective field. 

If having a blog makes sense for your business, it is essential to publish new content fairly frequently. If you haven’t updated your blog since 2014 and have no immediate plans to begin posting to it again, the blog needs to go. Having an abandoned blog can be destructive to your business’ overall image.  So, while it is recommended to have a blog, only pursue this option if you are going to fully commit to it and keep it current.

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Your website is a reflection of your company’s values and success.

Maybe it’s up to the task – ranking in Google and bringing you new customers every week. Or maybe it could use a little help.

Make your website a priority this year to ensure a strong foundation for your business’ online presence. By hiring a creative service agency (cough cough, Bizango) you can add a whole team of experts to your in-house brain trust – writers, strategists, marketing pros, designers, SEOs and more – all working together to support you, ensuring that your website is truly out there every day working for you.  

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